Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Introducing....The Real Meah!

It's 2.52pm on the dot, and i finally get to post my first blog ( Not exactly my first but, long story sha). Neways, I'm a lagos-based Nigerian female,  27years old on the 19th of October ( next month, yaaay!).
This blog has been created to get me back to the basics- expressing the real meah, the best way i can (writing)...I used to write a lot, but 'active inactivity' just made me lose touch with me.
At a point in my life where i'd go crazy and totally lose meah, if i don't get back to writing....
I'd tag this point of my life 'Searching and Craving '...
Hope it's interesting, not just to you, but to me, when i read 2-3 months from now....
Ciao x